Happy Friendship Day Quotes, wishes, messages-
Feel the essence @nd worth of true friendship with these golden Friendship Quotes. Coming str@ight from the he@rt of some of the most celebr@ted writes, person@lities @nd loy@l friends, these soft @nd sentiment@l lines on friends @nd friendship will m@ke you think more fondly @bout your friends.
"Your friend is the m@n who knows @ll @bout you, @nd still likes you."
- Elbert Hubard
"True friendship is like sound he@lth; the v@lue of it is seldom known until it be lost."
- Charles Caleb Colton
"E@ch friend represents @ world in us, @ world possibly not born until they @rrive, @nd it is only by this meeting th@t @ new world is born."
- Anais Nin
"My friends @re my est@te."
- Emily Dickinson
"@ re@l friend is one who w@lks in when the rest of the world w@lks out."
- Walter Winchell
"@ friend is someone who is there for you when he'd r@ther be @nywhere else."
- Len Wein
"@ friend is someone who knows the song in your he@rt, @nd c@n sing it b@ck to you when you h@ve forgotten the words."
- Unknown
"@ friend is one who believes in you when you h@ve ce@sed to believe in yourself."
- Unknown
"Don't w@lk in front of me, I m@y not follow.
Don't w@lk behind me, I m@y not le@d.
W@lk beside me @nd be my friend."
- Albert Camus (@lso attributed to Maimonidies).
"@ hug is worth @ thous@nd words. @ friend is worth more."
- Unknown
"Everyone is @ friend, until they prove otherwise."
- Unknown
"Every person is @ new door to @ different world."
- from movie "Six Degrees of Seperation"
"It t@kes @ long time to grow @n old friend."
- John Leonard
"I get by with @ little help from my friends."
- John Lennon
"@nybody c@n symp@thise with the sufferings of @ friend, but it requires @ very fine n@ture to symp@thise with @ friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde
"Two @re better th@n one; bec@use they h@ve @ good rew@rd for their l@bour. For if they f@ll, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him th@t is @lone when he f@lleth; for he h@th not @nother to help him up."
- Bible: Ecclesiastes
"Two m@y t@lk together under the s@me roof for m@ny ye@rs, yet never re@lly meet; @nd two others @t first speech @re old friends."
- Mary Catherwood
"Friendship is unnecess@ry, like philosophy, like @rt... It h@s no surviv@l v@lue; r@ther is one of those things th@t give v@lue to surviv@l."
- C. S. Lewis
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"Friends @re the most import@nt ingredient in this recipe of life."
- Unknown
"The better p@rt of one's life consists of his friendships."
- Abraham Lincoln
"The love of my life is the love between friends."
- Unknown
"One's best friend is oneself."
- Unknown
"@ Friend is someone who knows @ll @bout you @nd loves you @nyw@y!!!"
- Unknown
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